History 2010/04 Added more Transcription Factor data. Data are In TriangulatedImages as matlab matrices and in dataset. 2010/03 Added Transcription Factor dataset. Currently only as Matlab matrix in TriangulatedImages/Matlab/tf_20100218.mat Code is now in git version control (http://twist.lbl.gov/git). Future code releases will be a dated zip file of the git repository (current release code-201003.zip). The code directory will not be updated. Many bug fixes, especially problems that arose with the new Matlab 2010a release. The code works now both with the newest Matlab and Transcription Factor (TF) dataset. disp_mcomposites2.m and disp_moverlay2.m are vastly improved and work with similar parameters and can be used to visualize the TF data. Improvements in the TImrf2 code. TImrf2 parameters can be trained with a known segmentation. To this end, I've added an interactive too, manual_label.m, that takes the TImrf segmentation as basis for interactive editing of the extracted expression pattern. 2009/12 Initial release. Code is identical to Nature Mol. Sys. Biol.